Pilgrim Sponsorships

Sponsorship is a Gift

The greatest gift an Emmaus Walk alumni can give is to sponsor another Christian on a future Walk.

Sponsorship Begins with Prayer

Rev. Anne Kowalczyk
  1. Sponsorship starts with prayer, for Emmaus community and future Walks.
  2. Sponsoring strengthens church leadership/designed for those who are actively worshiping.
  3. Walks are not designed for those experiencing emotional or health issues, consider sponsoring after their issues are resolved.
  4. Resist temptation to invite “everyone you know” to share the great experience.
  5. Consider potential pilgrims who might be prepared and benefit from Walk.
  6. Lift potential pilgrim(s)’ names to God and allow him control over next steps.

Inviting Potential Pilgrims

Bill DeFries
  1. Present invitation to potential pilgrims/ and their spouses if appropriate.
  2. Fully explain Walk commitment of time and attention.
  3. Explain all participation is voluntary (except in adhering to schedule).
  4. Offer to “fill in gaps” for pilgrim with family/household necessities.
  5. Answer questions honestly—there are no secrets, only wonderful surprises.
  6. Offer application and discuss steps to complete and submit.

Application Process

Tina Gonzales
  1. Sponsor only one pilgrim per walk. Recruit other Emmaus community members to sponsor others, if needed.
  2. Continue application process/forms/signatures/submission.
  3. Address fee concerns.
  4. Begin process of contacting 8-12 family members/friends to provide letters.

Months Leading to Walk

Sally Lamb
  1. One month before the Walk, ensure applications, fees, letter requests are on track.
  2. Assist pilgrim with what to pack. Answer any additional questions.
  3. Confirm any “fill the home gaps” needs to ensure Walk attendance.
  4. Arrange to transport pilgrim to Walk venue.

Week of the Walk

Kathy Howden
  1. Week before the Walk, confirm transport and other details.
  2. Sign up for Prayer Vigil to pray during Walk.
  3. Day Walk begins, ensure Pilgrim has had something to eat and arrives on time.
  4. Attend Sponsors’ Hour.

During Your Pilgrim’s Walk

Lisa Damyzk
  1. During Walk, check on Pilgrim’s home or family for any needs they need met in their absence (plants, pets, mail, trash, meals, etc.).
  2. Attend Candlelight, invite other Community members to join you.
  3. Attend Closing Ceremony, transport pilgrim home.

Sponsorship Continues After Walk

Claudia DeFries
  1. After Walk, continue to pray for pilgrim.
  2. Assist with finding a Reunion Group.
  3. Bring them with you to Afterglow Celebration and future Gatherings for a time.